Feb 4 - Snow on the Westshore

Sooke faces provincial intervention. Fairy Creek deferrals extended.

Hello there!

Welcome to the winter! The region has been full of elegant white landscapes and very inelegant commutes for the past few days as the first major cold snap of the season sets in.

More on that below, along with news about housing and forests.

If you have photos or stories that capture this week's wintery weather, please send them in.


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Snow on the ‘Shore: Winter weather leads to road problems

“Just a dusting” on historic Six Mile Pub this weekend in View Royal. Photo: Richard Steward

Snow has blanketed the Westshore after winter weather set in across much of BC's South Coast beginning late last week. After what had been a relatively dry and warm start to the season, temperatures dipped into the negative and a mix of cold rain, snow, and in some cases hail fell. 

Weather warnings flagged snowsquall conditions striking the South Island in two waves: Yesterday and then again today. The snow disrupted ferry travel and, in the Westshore, vehicle travel. 

A Langford / View Royal segment of Highway 1 was closed for part of yesterday, and there was extensive gridlock commuting to and from the region. A bus went off the road near Camosun’s Interurban campus, which closed at noon due to the weather.

The Monday council meeting in Metchosin was cancelled, but the one in Langford proceeded. 

On Sunday, the Wounded Warriors kicked off their annual run by powering through snow between Sooke and Langford en route to Sidney. Organizers said that this effectively symbolized the overcoming-of-difficult-conditions that the run is meant to reflect.

Subzero temperatures and slippery road conditions are expected to continue for several days. 

SD62 has said that classes will continue until further notice, and reiterated its weather update and sign-out processes:


Sooke has 2 weeks to adopt housing changes, province says

Left: Sooke council (photo via District of Sooke) with former member, now-MLA Dana Lajeunesse (bottom left). Right: Ravi Kahlon (BC Gov image)

BC's Housing & Municipal Affairs ministry is threatening to adjust Sooke's bylaws directly, through the province's powers, if it continues to avoid adopting new zoning policies. A letter from Minister Ravi Kahlon last month gave Sooke 30 days, beginning from Jan. 16—which was itself 30 days from the previous deadline of Dec. 16, which was in turn an extension from June 30, 2024.

That June date was the original date for adoption of the BC-wide Bill 44 requirement to pre-zone for “missing middle” density, with two units allowed on all single-family lots and 3-4 allowed on urban single-family lots.

The motion to adopt such zoning changes failed in a tie vote late last year (For: Bateman, Pearson, St. Pierre; Against: Beddows, McMath, Tait). This made Sooke an outlier in BC in avoiding the mandated changes. Mayor Maja Tait told CHEK that in light of the communication from the province, it may be worth re-considering the bylaw.

Sooke had sought multi-year delay to its Bill 44 compliance

The delayed Dec. 16 deadline came because the province did not make a decision on that application until after the original deadline. Sooke's application was rejected in the summer along with View Royal's. The mayor and several councillors insist that after years of growth, Sooke lacks the infrastructure to absorb more (though preventing the zoning changes limits only a particular form for growth to take, not growth overall). 

Former Sooke councillor and now Juan de Fuca – Malahat MLA Dana Lajeunesse said last Dec. that he would facilitate discussions between the district and the housing ministry.

Several hundred units needed per year to keep up with growth, report estimates

An interim housing needs report last fall estimated that Sooke will need 4,700+ units built over the next 20 years. The district is required to adjust its zoning and OCP to this projection within the next year. Sooke is not yet on the list of BC municipalities that have to meet set annual housing targets based on these housing needs projections.

Other local municipalities including Victoria, Saanich, and Oak Bay have already had building targets set by the province and received their first progress update. Oak Bay has lagged well behind its target of 66 units in the first year, building just 16, and Kahlon recently assigned an advisor to work with the district to study and address the reasons for that. This process could eventually be in store for Sooke if the two governments' disputes on housing continue into future years.


Forests minister extends Fairy Creek deferrals

Photo: Harley Gordon / Capital Daily

The extended protections for old-growth forests in the Fairy Creek watershed will last until Sept. 30, 2026. This follows an older deferral that began in June 2021, temporarily safeguarding nearly 1,200 hectares of Crown land in the watershed, which lies within the Pacheedaht and Ditidaht First Nations’ territory.

In 2021, the Pacheedaht, Ditidaht, and Huu-ay-aht First Nations requested a two-year deferral on old-growth logging to allow them time for resource management planning. 

Environmental groups' reactions were mixed: Sierra Club applauded the latest extension while the Friends of Fairy Creek co-founders contend that the deferral lacks legal weight without a formal ministerial order.

Langford – Highlands MLA and Forests Minister Ravi Parmar emphasized that the extension would help the Pacheedaht Nation develop a sustainable forestry plan with a $500K grant. He acknowledged past criticisms of former Premier John Horgan’s handling of the issue but stressed the importance of rebuilding relationships with Indigenous communities.

The forestry sector in BC has been struggling lately with mill closures and job losses, compounded by tariff threats from the U.S. on Canadian softwood lumber. While BC has committed to protecting 30% of its forests by 2030, environmental advocates like Torrance Coste argue that many other irreplaceable old-growth areas are still under threat. 

Meanwhile, the province is also working on new forest management plans, like the Bulkley-Morice project, to try to balance conservation and industry goals.

Read more in the full story here about the extension and the state of forestry in BC.

Around the 'Shore

💵 Sooke gets $150,000 for climate adaptation and natural hazard-risk assessment in latest round of provincial funding under Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation.

☎️ Last week: Westshore mayors call on province to give them a reprieve on upcoming 9-1-1 dispatch costs, which could hike municipal budgets this year and add 2-6% to property tax increases. [Full story]

👩 BC inaugurates new Lt. Gov: The Honourable Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia officially replaced Janet Austen last week.

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🚒 Firefighters have returned from fighting fires in LA, MLA Parmar announces:

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Community Events

⚽️ Langford hosts international soccer, standing in as home field for Calgary's Cavalry FC this Thursday. [Tickets]

🖼 Winter gallery hours for Arts & Culture Colwood are Thurs.-Sun., 11am-3pm.

🏒 Grizzlies host Nanaimo on Friday. [Tickets]

🏉 Rugby: Westshore RFC vs. Pacific Pride on Sat. in Langford.

Coffee with the Mayor in Metchosin will next happen on Feb. 13.

👣 Family Day Storybook Walks next week. [Info]

🧘‍♀️ Galentine's Yoga for a Cause: Yoga class and pool / hot tub time at Bear Mountain on Feb. 15 to fundraise for the Goldstream Food Bank. [Info]

What’s Offshore?

Anchored off coast of Colwood: None right now

🚢🚢 Further out: Maersk Monte Olivia (2004-built container ship sailing to Prince Rupert under Singapore flag) & Global Yuquot (2020-built bulk carrier sailing from Hiroshima, Japan to Nanaimo under Panama flag)

Westshore Snaps

A winter wonderland in Sooke. – Frankie Lawrence

📸 Snapped a photo you’d like to share? Send it with a caption and don’t forget to add where you live.

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