Advertise with The Westshore

The Westshore delivers high quality, engaging stories through our email newsletter delivered to over 13,000 locals every Tuesday and Thursday.

📈 Reach: 13,000+ opted-in subscribers (nearly 20% of local adults)

⚡️ Avg click rate: 11%

 Ad clicks: 50-150 clicks on average, per ad

✉️ Avg open rate: 47%

📣 Impressions: One issue generates 6,000+ impressions for each ad

📍 Location: 90% of our readers live in Langford, Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke, The Highlands, and View Royal

👥 Key audience stats:

  • Our readers are primarily 30-60 years old

  • Over 75% are homeowners

  • Over 60% live in a house

  • 45% have a household income over $75K

  • 20% are decision makers at their companies

We currently offer 3 types of ads:

Newsletter Title Partner

Top logo placement, be the first thing readers see when they open the newsletter.

125-word story within top half, with an image.

1 spot available per issue.


Newsletter Spotlight Partner

50-word story within bottom half, with an image.

2 spot available per issue.


Newsletter Classified Bulletin

30-word text ad.

5 spots available per issue.


Our network beyond the Westshore

The Westshore is part of the Overstory Media Group community, which includes other publications across Greater Victoria (and also around Canada), including:

Our partnerships team can customize any campaign to get you seen in Greater Vic and beyond! Get in touch with us today 🙂 

We acknowledge the
financial support of the
Government of Canada.