Your holiday wishes, answered

We sent Westshore councils your submissions of what you'd like to see in your communities in the new year

Maybe Santa will bring your dream changes to the Westshore this year. Photo: Tinsel Gazebo at WinterFest, via City of Langford

In the spirit of the season, we asked our Westshore readers if they had a holiday wish for their communities that would make things better and brighter for everyone. We gathered your wishes through emails and a poll and sent your answers on to your regional mayors and councillors.

Not every municipality had wishes, and not every question got an answer. But we appreciate everybody that sent in a wish, and every council member that answered.

Maybe some of them will even come true.

*If any more responses come in from councils, we'll add them.


“I am wishing for more affordable housing options, a decent medical centre with an X-ray machine, better lighting & road surfaces for cycling, increased availability of commercial spaces to promote independent small business & good local jobs for our youth.” – K. Ronuk

Dear Mr. Ronuk,

Our resident’s wish matches well with Council priorities. We will continue our work to realize this wish into a reality for all of us! – Mayor Maja Tait


‘Tis the season for holiday wishes in Langford. Image: City of Langford

“I wish the city would repair the potholes at the entrance to Langford Lake parking lot.” – Jackie Schad

Thank you for sharing your concern, Jackie. Our engineering team has been waiting for settling before paving the Langford Lake parking lot. We expect the lot to be fully updated by 2025. -  Councillor Keith Yacucha 

I’d like to see a bike lane on Latoria.” – Raymond Pastuzenko  (Langford)

This is an excellent request! The city has proposed a solution through the Latoria Road Active Transportation Project which is available on Council will consider it through the upcoming budget debate so let us know what you think! -Councllor Kimberly Guiry

Less density, less traffic, and light rail transit.” – G. Lesowski Langford 

The wish for “less density, less traffic, and light rail transit” highlights the desire for a more balanced, livable community with improved transportation options. Prioritizing these goals may help reduce congestion, enhance mobility, and create a more sustainable urban environment! - Councillor Mark Morely

My wish is to have an annual block party / flea market on Goldstream Avenue around the area of the fountain each summer with live music.” – Phaedra Lee Smith P.S. She’s willing to organize.

That's a great idea to consider during our Arts and Culture Master Planning process coming up! - Councillor Mary Wagner

“I wish for more money to be put into supporting artists. Partner with Colwood to support the Goldfinches Gallery of Arts and Culture Colwood Society. Half the members are Langford residents.” – G. Mill (Langford)

Hello and thank you for the wish. Although I was heavily involved in sports growing up and well into adulthood, the arts is where I met my wife and our daughter is equally involved in both sports and the arts.

Langford is a member of the Westshore Performing Arts Committee and the City is beginning the first ever Langford Arts and Culture Master Plan to identify the needs and capacities of the arts and culture community. – Mayor Scott Goodmanson

“I wish for more housing for the homeless.” - Lorna (Langford)

Thank you for your suggestion, Lorna. While addressing homelessness is a valuable priority, Langford currently lacks the full range of support services needed.

Our focus has been on providing greater access to attainable and affordable housing for working middle-class residents, which is a challenge given current market conditions. We hope future partnerships with BC Builds and other organizations will bring more affordable homes online for hardworking Langford residents. - Councillor Keith Yacucha 

I wish we could synchronize the lights over the bridge better, so it doesn't cause back-ups.” - Eileen McEvoy 

Thanks so much for this feedback! All infrastructure over the highway, including the bridge and lights, are the responsibility of the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Transit.  We work together to serve the community so I will be sure to pass this along.    - Councillor Kimberly Guiry

​​“I wish our region offered a library of things. Anything that people use infrequently is a good candidate to be a library item.

There is a Tool Library in Victoria; I would love to see one in the Westshore, but also more: How about camping supplies, like tents and flashlights? How about all those single-task kitchen appliances that only get used a handful of times a year, like ice cream or fondue makers?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have these things be communally owned, loaned out for free, and used carefully—like a library book?” - Libris Simas Ferraz

The wish for a seldom-used-small-appliance lending library would be a fantastic idea as it promotes sustainability by reducing waste and the need for individuals to purchase rarely-used items! It fosters a sense of community by encouraging resource sharing and making items more accessible for everyone. - Councillor Mark Morely 

I’d like to see an Ikea in Langford and more small businesses instead of just houses.” - F. Gangji

Stay tuned for our next round of Official Community Plan public engagement to share your thoughts with us! - Councillor Mary Wagner

E&N Rail Trail cycling infrastructure, via View Riyal website

View Royal 

My wish is for more continuous cycling infrastructure throughout the capital region and between communities. These gaps are in very busy car centric places, like large intersections that leave cyclists vulnerable and exposed to dangers.

Fixing these gaps in cycling routes will mean that more cyclists will use the system, thereby reducing vehicle traffic. It also means less interface between cyclists and motorists, which is better for everyone.”  - Anne Remnant

Dear Anne, We are actively working on improving bike lanes and working with our neighbour municipalities to do just that. For Council, safety is a significant concern.

It will take time to balance priorities, expense and we must do it in concert with significant traffic with more folks transiting View Royal due to the growth in all our communities on the West Shore.  Council supports active transportation. - Mayor Sid Tobias

Happy Holidays!

 Of course, not all wishes are about change to city policy. At the end of the day, most folks just wish to live a good life with their loved ones.

For this holiday season, my greatest wish is to share a special dinner with my beloved family—my husband and our children. The location matters less to me than the precious time we can spend together. It's the moments with my family that mean the most.” - Karina Villafuerte, Langford

Spending time with loved ones is the greatest gift of all. Happy Holidays! - Langford councillor Mary Wagner