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  • Your guide to Metchosin's all candidates meeting

Your guide to Metchosin's all candidates meeting

A timestamped guide to the town hall

Hosted by the Association for the Protection of Rural Metchosin, and moderated by Jackie Larkin, the Metchosin all-candidates' meeting had three questions that each candidate answered, which were based on themes from audience contribution before the meeting. Following that audience members were invited to ask questions, directed at specific candidates, and Larkin interspersed some pre-submitted questions. 

Opening Statements

Theme Questions

“Tell us about your community involvement to date specifically about how it has prepared you for leadership on this question of governance and transparency and accountability. And is there one key commitment that you're prepared to make around that transparency and accountability to strengthen the governance in this in this District?”

“Metchosin has very clear bylaws for enforcement yet it appears they are applied unevenly across the district are you in favour of transparent and consistent bylaw enforcement and then yes how would you insure it?”

“What strategies and action plans do you advocate to address the need to promote farming and prevent large tracks of land from being broken up?”

Audience Questions

“What things are you going to do to have everyone who wants to have a family doctor to get one? Steve Gray 

“Have you learned anything during your campaign about affordable housing and chosen that you didn't know already?” Jay Shukin and Leslie Zinger

“To both the mayoral candidates, I would like to know what they intend to do to continue the incredible relationship that we are building with the Sc’ianew Nation and how we will improve upon that in the future?” Kyara Kahakauwila and Marie-Térèse Little  

“Assuming a $2 million building replacement allocation, are you in favour of breaking ground on the construction of a new fire hall in the next term of office, and what are your priorities for fire safety and emergency response?” All candidates  

“Do you support the rezoning of any part of Sooke Road to industrial or higher density use?” Tamara Ballard  

“How would you address planning for the impacts of climate change including rising water levels, rising temperatures, less water, forest fire, and wind events?” Kyara Kahakauwila and Marie-Térèse Little 

“Within the next four years will you have council consider expanding the size of council from five to seven?” Kyara Kahakauwila and Marie-Térèse Little (TL;DR: they both said no.)

“As dystopian as it may sound, if Metchosin is forced to develop, would Metchosin go down the road of more dense walkable areas so we’re able to preserve more green space, or would it turn into sprawl and car dependency?” Kyara Kahakauwila and Marie-Térèse Little  

“What next steps would you take to manage the village core?” Eric White, Tamara Ballard, and Steve Gray  

“Do you consider it a priority for Metchosin to have region-wide cell coverage?” All candidates  (TL;DR: they all said yes.)

Closing remarks. All candidates  

For more information on each candidate, review their answers in our candidate database