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  • Your guide to two Colwood all candidates meetings

Your guide to two Colwood all candidates meetings

Timestamped guide to each candidate's answers

There were two recorded all candidates meeting for Colwood, hosted by the Westshore Chamber of Commerce and Citizens' Environmental Network in Colwood (CENiC).

The Chamber meeting had three core questions that each candidate answered, and then a series of random questions asked by random draw. Candidates were divided into two groups, to make the question answering less tedious for viewers.

Opening statements

Core Questions

“As a retired person living in Colwood, I have found that many of my neighbours do not have a family doctor and are forced to rely on emergency services. If you are elected, what will you do to help fix this crisis?”

“What specific actions do you want the City of Colwood to take to address climate concerns?”

“Affordable housing is no longer just a Victoria problem, it is a regional issue. What will you do to help alleviate this issue?”

“Colwood Council recently approved almost doubling their remuneration to be paid to the new incoming council. Do you support this?”

Random draw questions

“Recruiting and retaining top talent seems to be a common theme among businesses in the Westshore. In addition to affordability and health care, people are looking for robust community services such as child care options, youth engagement programs, after school programs, and family support programs. What can we do as a community to add such beneficial recruitment and retention features to our regional offering for workers?”

“Define how you would support sustainable arts and culture programming in Colwood, and describe a specific funding model that you would endorse to make this happen?”

“Will you support the amalgamation of municipalities in Greater Victoria, including Colwood, into one municipality of Victoria?”

“Do you agree that Colwood should join the almost 50 cities and municipalities in BC that have already banned pesticides for cosmetic use on lawns including herbicides such as par-3?”

“Our neighbourhood has a number of traffic safety concerns and it doesn't feel like we're being listened to. If elected, how will you seek to answer citizens’ complaints with appropriate follow-up, and canvas neighbourhoods before actions take place?”

“Property taxes are substantially higher for businesses than for residential. What are your views on this?”

“Will you support and advocate for the expansion and continuance of sewer lines to get constituents of Colwood attached to the CRD sewer program?”

“Will you support and advocate for bike and pedestrian lanes? If so where do you believe they are needed?”

“The Colwood crawl is a long-standing problem and despite the new Mackenzie Road interchange, the problem has not gone away. What are your ideas on how this can be fixed?”

“If there's one thing you could accomplish if you were elected or re-elected that would make a substantive difference in the lives of Colwood citizens, what would that be?”

Environmental all candidates meeting

Citizens' Environmental Network in Colwood (CENiC) hosted a second meeting, with questions focused on environmental issues. Four councillors were unable to attend.

Opening statements. Doug Kobayashi, Ian Ward, Misty Olsen, Kim Jordison were unable to attend so moderator Judith Cullington read submitted statements between each attending candidate.

“What actions should the city of Colwood take to reduce emissions?” Stewart Parkinson, David Grove, Steven MacAskill 

“What actions should the City of Colwood take to make the community more resilient to climate change?” Kim Mohns, Rob Martin, Dean Jantzen, Cynthia Day

“What do you see as the pros and cons of density?” Dean Jantzen, Stewart Parkinson, Kim Mohns 

“How would you balance the need for housing with the protection and enhancement of natural areas?” Steven MacAskill, Cynthia Day, David Grove, Rob Martin 

“What are the challenges facing Colwood parks, and how would you address these challenges?” Cynthia Day, Dean Jantzen, Steven MacAskill, Stewart Parkinson

“What steps should Colwood take to protect its natural assets, including streams wetlands and urban forests?” Rob Martin, David Grove, Kim Mohns

“What actions would you take to increase active transportation—walking, biking, and rolling, and use of transit?” Kim Mohns, Rob Martin, Cynthia Day

“What steps would you take to reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles within Colwood?” David Grove, Stewart Parkinson Steven MacAskill, Dean Jantzen

“Will you support the continuation of the clean energy heat pump incentive top up in Colwood? If so, what other incentives would you like to see?” Rob Martin

“Do you believe that the tree cutting bylaw in Colwood is strong enough? Why or why not?" Cynthia Day 

“Would you support a recommendation for the usage of low-carbon concrete in Colwood buildings? Why or why not?” David Grove

“What actions would you take to reduce or eliminate the waste caused by all those non-recyclable election signs?” Dean Jantzen

“How would you vote in a motion for all new buildings in Colwood to include electric vehicle charging infrastructure for each unit?” Kim Mohns 

“How do we make Colwood's waterfront more resilient to the impacts of climate change?” Stewart Parkinson

“Do you support a move towards adopting building code Step Five zero emission, even before it is mandated by the province? Why or why not?” Steven MacAskill

Candidates were given an opportunity to address any question they had not been asked: Steven MacAskill | Stewart Parkinson | Kim Mohns | Dean Jantzen | David Grove | Cynthia Day | Rob Martin 

Closing statements: All candidates.

For more information on each candidate, review their answers in our candidate database.