Autumn in the Westshore, through your eyes

The best photos of falltime, submitted by readers as part of our photo contest

Some of the great photos sent in by Richard Steward: Thetis trails, a foggy forests, and a lighthouse lookout

Congrats to Richard for winning one of our top photo prizes, and a big thanks to him for sending in these vibrant photos all year long.

LEFT: Fall photo I took at Home Depot this year. The colour was spectacular. - Norma Hamilton

RIGHT by Nancy Bond

Here are a few pictures of autumn in Langford - Paul Young

This is Axl in front of our beautiful Japanese Maple (Colwood) - Charmaine Partington

Seagull at Esquimalt lagoon & storm brewing at Esquimalt lagoon — Michelle Hamilton

Photo of a puddle at Kettle Creek Park in Langford. I took this about a week ago (November 2024) and my thought was: "Even the puddles are pretty" - Jeannette Wyndels

Novie Grace Malig

Sandra Pinard

Michel Besler

Raymond Pastuzenko

Westhills Bird sanctuary -- Catherine Feness

I took these pictures at Hatley the end of September. Beginning of fall. I love it there and go often. — Barb McCarthy

Another view of Hatley's grounds, by Kyla Berard.

The castle is opening up for holiday-decorated winter tours this month, and some of the top reader photos won tickets to see it.

Lizzy Mos